The primary objective of Envision Solutions is to provide intensive in-home counseling and support services to at-risk youth and families in the home and in their community. We stand to bring the family unit together in a quality and deserving manner

Envision Solutions provides in-home individual and family counseling and group counseling at no cost to the individual. In addition, we provide professional assessment and intensive treatment to teens struggling with drug and/or alcohol abuse, as well as prevention education in the community.

Our professional Licenses include:

  • Virginia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services


Envision Solutions accepts self-referrals and referrals from the individual child serving agencies (DSS, schools, Court Service Units, CSB), the FAPT. Envision Solutions will accept children from age 5 to 21 years old who are in need of intensive in-home services and who are judged able to be served within their communities. While there is an exception of family involvement, Envision Solutions will work with youth who have little to no family involvement and who need independent living skills and community stabilization. 

Admission criteria:ยท

  • Children who are at-risk of removal from their home or foster care placement due to behavior problems in the home, school or community, and without intervention, may need to be placed in a more restrictive environment.
  • Children who are returning to the community from a more restrictive environment and need transition and stabilization services.
  • Children who are at-risk of removal from their home due to abuse/neglect by the caretakers. These children do not have to be exhibiting inappropriate behaviors to be referred.
  • Children who are having difficulty in existing placements and require additional supportive services to remain in current placement.
  • Children who may present a risk to themselves or others and require additional; services in order to be maintained in the community.

Organizational Goals

  1. To provide weekly intensive individual and family counseling
  2. To provide transitional services to individuals to and from foster care
  3. To provide group therapy to individuals served i.e. substance abuse, daily living skills, anger management, wellness groups, parenting, grief and loss, domestic violence, teen pregnancy
  4. To provide ongoing staff training to ensure that quality services are provided
  5. To provide follow up survey 3-6 months of discharge to determine quality of services